Wolf & Sword

P r o p e r t y   P a r t n e r s

Property Solutions in the North of England

  • Sourcing

    Compliant property sourcing in our home city Sheffield as well as other areas throughout the UK. Contact us using the details at the bottom of the page to discuss your requirements.

  • Sell Your Property

    If you are looking to sell your property but issues are preventing a traditional sale via an estate agent, get in touch with us as we may be able to help with our experience and contacts.

  • Investors

    We have a proven track record of providing investors with 6% + per annum returns for hands off investment in projects. Get in touch if you'd like to discuss upcoming opportunities for investment.

  • Property Tech

See what standard we work to with photos of some recent projects

Meet Us

Holly Jennings, Director

Holly is originally from Plymouth. She has held various management positions in private and listed organisations and  has also worked independently with start ups and growing businesses providing business growth consultancy. Her roles have enabled her to travel the world on business, and travel continues to be one of her key passions. As a founding partner of the Wolf & Sword group of companies she continues to help people grow their businesses in the shape of property, as well as her own portfolio. Her roles in Wolf & Sword include COO (operations), CSO (sales) & CMO (marketing).

Nick is originally from Aylesbury and has a long career in information & technology. He has worked with several growing IT organisations in both technical and sales consultancy roles. He has extensive experience in managed services which supports the systems and processes behind Wolf & Sword, in particular property technology services and lettings. Nick's roles in Wolf & Sword include CTO (technology), CFO (finance) and CIO (information).


Use the form below to get in touch.

Property Redress Scheme
Property Redress Scheme
ICO Registration
Property Pipeline




+44 114 399 5111